Tuesday, 12 July 2011

EduBlog review One

I got a little bit excited as I navigated the site http://a4cwsn.com. It seems like a blog with it's format and updating, although it does not have 'blog' in the address. So perhaps those of you more versed in the area can weigh in! The title is Apps for Children with Special Needs. It is a comprehensive blog aimed at caregivers and educators about the merits of different apps aimed at children with special needs.

There are videos demonstrating exactly HOW to use each app. The narrators voice is recorded as he goes slowly through each of the apps, demonstrating how to use them. It allows the viewer insight as to whether or not this would be appropriate for their child. For example, there are pictures of several ebooks, you click on the one you are interested in and the video comes up with him exploring that ebook as he explains it to the reader. It is clear and well thought through.
Below the video there is a link to download it directly to Itunes. The author writes a blurb about the app including 'things to try', "unique features' and 'how the app works'. It also provides a detailed summary of who the technology would benefit e.g. "Reading app for children with dyslexia, LD, FASD, autism, slow readers, and other language based issues." It includes apps for toddlers up to graphic novels based at middle school students.

There is a contest for families in need to 'win' an IPad 2 for $199.00. I previewed this carefully and it seems authentic. There are ads on the page, although they clearly state that they will "not produce, publish or promote any App which we believe does not meet the standards expected or required by the community we serve." Again, I am not sure if it follows a blog format perfectly (although it has some elements) but it is a site worth sharing with educators and parents alike. It is an awesome use of integrated technology. This blog shows the vast opportunities to use technology like the ipad in the classroom. It is brilliant that you can see products in action before you buy.

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